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Knowledge Hub

Field and market insights: the case for decentralized, community-based water systems.

Technical Assistance | India |

City Water Compendium: Making Cities Water Positive

Cities continue to be water-stressed due to rapid urbanization, lack of infrastructure, and climate change despite the water being transported over long distances at high costs. Urban stakeholders, both public and private, need a holistic picture of the potential problems, effective solutions and action strategies to make resilient cities that are water positive and sustainable.

Field Implementation, Sector Engagement, Technical Assistance | Ghana | Case Study

Safe Water Resilience Toolkit

Safe Water Network and Envicom Corporation have partnered to develop a ‘Safe Water Resilience Toolkit’ that integrates various sources of data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping capabilities for visualization and data analysis. This technology has the potential to improve infrastructure planning and management in a manner that facilitates climate adaptation for water utilities and increases access to safe water for last-mile customers and vulnerable groups.

Field Implementation, Technical Assistance | India | Case Study, Assessment

Gender Toolkit

Empowering Women in Safe Water Enterprises

Technical Assistance | India | Spotlight Report

Improving the Performance of Decentralized Water Purification Systems

Safe Water Network’s technical assistance and training program helped to ensure the reliability and sustainability of Karnataka, India’s water purification plants, with an objective to serve more than 40 million people.

Field Implementation, Technical Assistance | India | Assessment

Impact Assessment Report: Bhandara, India

This report discusses the impact of Safe Water Network's implementation of reverse osmosis treatment water stations with remote monitoring systems in 10 villages in India.

Field Implementation, Technical Assistance, Sector Engagement | Global |

Tools for Safe Water Stations: A Guide to Providing Clean Water for Healthier Communities

Developed by Safe Water Network with support from the PepsiCo Foundation, this tool kit is designed to establish safe water systems, consisting not only of the physical infrastructure, but also of the human relationships, capacities, knowledge, and processes necessary to keep such systems operating successfully over the long term.
