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Impact, Partnerships

ADP & Milacron Mark Global Handwashing Day with Continued Support in Schools

Simply washing your hands with soap and water can prevent about 400,000 diarrheal deaths and about 350,000 acute respiratory diseases worldwide. And yet, nearly 2 billion people still do not have affordable access. That’s why ADP and Milacron’s support of Safe Water Network India’s efforts to put safe water into schools is so important.

To mark Global Handwashing Day (October 15), we conducted events in schools October 11-13 to stress with students the importance of washing hands properly with soap and water. Key messaging included:

  • Wash your hands before you eat
  • Wash your hands after the toilet
  • Wash your hands after playing outdoors
  • Wash your hands after coughing and sneezing
  • Wash your hands after touching animals

Milacron supported 3 schools reaching nearly 2,000 students, all in Hyderabad, Telengana. Programs ran in an additional six schools supported by ADP.

The school WASH program is an important Safe Water Network India initiative because getting safe water to school children keeps them healthy and in the classroom, creating opportunity for long-term improvements in livelihoods and prosperity.