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Impact, Partnerships, In the News

ADP supports important work in Hyderabad Schools

We recently celebrated the installation of water purification systems in three Hyderabad schools supported by our partnership with ADP. “To see the joy on the faces of the principals, teachers and students at each school,” says Poonam Sewak, VP of Programs and Partnerships for Safe Water Network, “it made us all realize how important it is to provide safe water access to those in need.”

Over 1000 students will benefit across the three schools. Another three installations will take place shortly. A special note of thanks to the ADP team that joined us on Friday, September 22nd for the celebration: Mr. Satyanarayana Vinjamoori, Vice President HR; Mr. George Mathews, Senior Director GHRSS. And to our own Mr. Josh Weston for his on-going support for our work.