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Empowering Women and Youth: Safe Water Network India's Vocational Training Program Paves the Way for Sustainable Development

This innovative three-year initiative is designed to empower women and youth by increasing their employability through specialized training in water safety and conservation.

In alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 6.1 and 5, the program is not just a conduit for universal access to safe water but also a beacon of gender equality. It fosters knowledge transfer to local communities, enabling them to manage safe water enterprises. This is made possible with the support of alliances like the India Water Partnerships (IWP) and the Global Water Partnership (GWP), organizations at the forefront of sustainable water resource management.

The year 2023 was a testament to the program’s success, with 26 women receiving hands-on training in water quality testing using field kits, coupled with comprehensive training manuals. Their education went beyond testing, embracing water conservation techniques – a critical skill set in today’s climate-aware world. Private sector experts, four in number, brought their wealth of knowledge to the table, ensuring that the trainees received industry-standard training.

A significant milestone was reached when five of these women attained the status of Trained Technicians, showcasing the program’s capacity to not only educate but also to elevate.

Looking ahead to 2024, the achievements are set to amplify. The 26 participants are gearing up to expand water quality testing across 50 underserved communities in Warangal, Telangana. This expansion is poised to enhance safe water access for over 150,000 people.

The Vocational Training Program underscores the role of skilled women in leading community-wide change. Safe Water Network India extends heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Veena Khanduri, the esteemed executive secretary and country coordinator at GWP India, whose guidance has been pivotal to the program’s success.

The Vocational Training Program is more than a skill-building initiative; it is a movement. It champions the cause of women and youth, equipping them as architects of sustainability and as custodians of their communities’ well-being. In doing so, Safe Water Network India is not only transforming lives but is also scripting a blueprint for gender-inclusive progress in the realm of water safety and sustainability.

Watch an overview presentation of this program by Poonam Sewak, Vice President of Programs and Partnerships for Safe Water Network India here.