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Field Insight Series: Financial Sustainability Of Water Systems In India

This month, we released the latest in our Field Insight Series, a collection of brief reports describing a challenge we faced in the field, the approach we took to address it, and the observed results. This effort is central to our mission to build a fact base for what works, what doesn’t and why in water projects. 
Financial Sustainability of Water Stations in India seeks to provide a better understanding of financial sustainability of reverse osmosis (RO) water systems, using examples from our Stations in India. At any given time, at least 30% of rural water systems in developing countries are not functioning. Lack of financial success is among the biggest causes of failure, leading to subptimal performance and steady deterioration of water quality, reliability and system failures. Market-based approaches are increasingly acknowledged for their potential to achieve long-term sustainability with a focus on quality, affordability, and reliability. 
Safe Water Network has implemented such an approach by establishing locally owned and operated Safe Water Stations that sell water to consumers at a nominal cost. Each Station uses a standardized design, incuding a housing facility, bore well, piping, and water treatment technology. 
Download this FIeld Insight to learn more. 
Special thanks to the Pentair Foundation for funding this effort.