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Safe Water Network Featured In Forbes

On March 8, 2018, Forbes  dedicated an article to Safe Water Network and its program to scale up small water enterprises. The article opens with a reflection on the water crisis in Cape Town, South Africa, and points to Safe Water Network as a viable solution that is attracting not only attention, but also funding and implementation partners. 

In introducing Safe Water Network’s model, author Nish Acharya describes the organization as being “guided by a simple premise—that properly equipped communities can successfully operate small water enterprises that provide a reliable, affordable supply of safe water. The organization also believes that households are willing to pay for the service through a modest charge, which covers operating expenses, including technical service support, and a reserve fund for long-term repairs.” 

The article goes on to emphasize Safe Water Network’s focus on forging partnerships: “Water entrepreneurs, like those that work with Safe Water Network, cannot work in isolation. By the nature of their sector, they must partner with government agencies at the local, regional and national level, as well as private companies that have business and philanthropic reasons for improving water supply. Honeywell, Ernst & Young, and others are partnering with Safe Water Network as a philanthropic partner, but also because safe water is critical to ecosystems and major economic verticals like agriculture, manufacturing and transport.” 

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