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Safe Water Consortium Awarded USAID Contract

Safe Water Network is a member of a consortium led by Global Communities that has been awarded a multi-year, $39 million contract from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Ghana for the Enhancing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (EWASH) Program. 

The consortium will partner with the Government of Ghana to strengthen WASH financing, improve private sector engagement, and accelerate the adoption of convenient and safe WASH behaviors. Other members of the consortium include Aquaya Institute, Afram Plains Development Organisation, Be Girl, Deloitte, Manoff Group, Total Family Health Organization, Water Aid, Water4, and World Vision.

Global Communities has partnered with international and Ghanaian experts to design a five-year project to increase access to sustainable WASH services in six regions of Ghana. The consortium will engage the Government of Ghana to develop the market for sustainable and inclusive water and sanitation products and services. Using participatory approaches, the consortium will work with the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies to foster self-reliance and community management for continued quality service delivery.

The Enhancing WASH program aims to promote the following improvements:

  1. The Government of Ghana efficiently and effectively plans, budgets, implements, and monitors water and sanitation services
  2. The Government of Ghana and other actors improve the enabling environment for private sector participation in the WASH sector
  3. Citizens adopt and sustain improved WASH practices
  4. WASH service providers adopt improved management, operational, and finance models