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Safe Water Network Presents On iJal To The Indian Institute Of Corporate Affairs

Safe Water Network India presented to mid and senior level Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) professionals at an event at the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), an autonomous body under the aegis of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. IICA regularly conducts capacity building courses for CSR business leaders, in keeping with India’s national level commitment to leveraging CSR funding for improving lives and livelihoods. Programming focuses on how to select CSR projects for investment, as well as how to develop implementation and M+E reporting frameworks. Safe Water Network is a regular contributor to these efforts to build capacity for effective and efficient management of CSR initiatives. 

The iJal small water enterprise model was chosen as a model project topic by IICA to demonstrate the many dimensions of sustainability, including financial operational, social, environmental, and institutional. Safe Water Network staff also presented on the program’s rigorous monitoring and evaluation program, and suggested ways in which our lessons on M+E can transfer across sectors and projects.  During the hour-long session, Safe Water Network staff fielded questions that ranged from additional detail around ensuring long term operational sustainability of small water enterprises to the role of women within the small business.  In doing so, we provided important business leaders with critical insight into managing projects that are effective over the long term, as well as advocated for the role of small water enterprises as a complementary solution for India’s water quality challenges.