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Field and market insights: the case for decentralized, community-based water systems.

Field Implementation | India | Assessment

Health Impact Assessment of iJal Stations in Telangana, 2024

MSD Fellows issued a Health Impact Assessment of our  iJal Stations in Telangana last week. The study highlighted the importance of safe water access, such as iJal water stations, in combating waterborne diseases and improving health and socioeconomic well-being of communities.

Technical Assistance | India |

City Water Compendium: Making Cities Water Positive

Cities continue to be water-stressed due to rapid urbanization, lack of infrastructure, and climate change despite the water being transported over long distances at high costs. Urban stakeholders, both public and private, need a holistic picture of the potential problems, effective solutions and action strategies to make resilient cities that are water positive and sustainable.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Field Insight

Making Piped Water to Households Affordable and Available

In this Field Insight, we highlight our methods to enhance piped water connections in underserved areas. Utilizing partnerships and innovative models like the Optimized Piped Connection (OPC), we’ve notably improved household connection rates, showcasing the model’s potential for achieving financial sustainability and social impact.

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Field Implementation, Sector Engagement | India | Sector Review

India Sector Review 2023

This sector review report, the fourth issued by Safe Water Network, brings up to date the need for Safe Water Enterprises, popularly called Water ATMs across India.

Field Implementation | India | Case Study

Rethinking Gender Equality Through the Lens of Economic Empowerment in Water

This report shares the unique success of the SEWAH program, where women's traditional roles of carrying water on their heads is supplanted by owning and operating local water stations.

Field Implementation | India | Assessment

Financial & Operational Performance of Safe Water Enterprises in India

Decentralized Safe Water Enterprises (SWEs), popularly called Water ATMs, are low-cost, affordable, 24x7 safe drinking water access solutions for communities and consumers on the go. SWEs have proven their resilience to climate change and pandemics and prevent plastic scourge due to single-use plastic bottled water. The report aims to apprise the governments, development partners, funding institutions, donors, and philanthropes of the sustainability challenges and initiate a policy dialogue on subsidy support for SWEs similar to the piped water utility.

Sector Engagement | India | Event

2023 Beyond the Pipe Forum Summary: Strategies to Make Water ATMs Sustainable

This is the summary proceedings from Safe Water Network India's 2023 Beyond the Pipe Forum.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Case Study

Insights from the Free Water Mandate in Ghana

In late March 2020, the Government of Ghana mandated that all water utility providers must provide free water to all Ghanaians for 8 months to alleviate the health and economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this report, we detail how Safe Water Network Ghana achieved key objectives and provide an overview of the financial impact of the mandate on our water station operations.
