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Our Work


18 million people in Ghana lack access to safely managed water.


Helping Solve Ghana’s Water Crisis

Since 2009, Safe Water Network has led the growth of safe water enterprises in Ghana. We work with communities, government agencies, development partners, and other stakeholders to develop and replicate sustainable solutions to the supply of safe water.

Our Impact

  • People Reached



    reached through direct access




    of hosting national Beyond the Pipe Forum events

    Piped Connections


    Piped Connections

    to homes, schools, and health clinics



    station uptime

  • Community




Community-centered Design


A Trusted Brand

Our brand in Ghana, H20ME!, stands for quality, reliability and affordability. We work with community leaders and local governments to establish trust in our services, and regularly survey station operators and community members to measure satisfaction with service and taste.

Piped Connections

Our piped-connection program provides households, schools, health clinics, and businesses with convenient access to safe water.

Digital Operating Platform

Through our integrated operating platform, we improve efficiency for our station operators and promote digital payment technologies. Digital transactions allow for more security and financial planning, while creating a feedback loop with our customers so we can improve service delivery.

From a Community Member
  • Patients, including pregnant women, had to bring their own water to be treated properly. That made everything more difficult. This piped safe water connection has transformed our ability to treat patients properly.”


    From a Community Member Learn More

Deploying Expertise

Safe Water Network works closely with Ghana’s Community Water and Sanitation Agency, District Assemblies, community groups, and the private sector to build capacity and replicate proven practices. Our core capabilities are in operational efficiency, financial management, performance analysis, and water quality assurance.


Catalyzing the Sector

National Leadership

We engage with local and national authorities to support the development of a financial and regulatory landscape that accelerates progress toward universal access to safe water. Our forums and workshops are informed by insights from market assessments, policy research, and a multi-sector working group, which unites members with diverse expertise and perspectives from across the national water sector. Since 2012, Safe Water Network has hosted annual Ghana Beyond the Pipe Forums to identify and implement actionable solutions for growing safe water enterprises.

Ghana Team

Passionate and Committed

From our country office in Accra, we deploy field personnel to provide the support and leadership required to promote the safe water enterprise model across Ghana.

From a Team Member
  • Coming from the private sector, I have been very impressed by the forward-thinking models being pursued by Safe Water Network to address the complexity of water provision with culturally, socially and economically sustainable solutions.

    Charles Nimako, Director of Africa Initiatives

    From a Team Member

Make Your Impact

Support our work to ensure every community in Ghana has sustainable access to safe water.