
Knowledge Hub

Field and market insights: the case for decentralized, community-based water systems.

Sector Engagement | Ghana | Spotlight Report

Ghana Water Enterprise Trust | Structuring for Growth and Sustainability

This report describes our continued work to develop a Ghana Water Enterprise Trust (the “Trust”) to address the need for long term sustainability and scale of small water enterprises in Ghana.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Field Insight

Improving Station Viability with Solar

During Ghana’s 2017 energy crisis, solar power offered a financially viable solution to enhance affordability and reach more consumers.

Sector Engagement | Ghana | Spotlight Report

Ghana Water Enterprise Trust (2016)

A Trust can attract capital to enable expansion of Stations to address the gap of underserved in peri-urban and small towns in Ghana.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Field Insight

Remote Kiosks in Ghana

A significant cost-effective approach implemented in Ghana was establishing pipeline-connected points of sale to the water systems in the country.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Field Insight

Modular Slow Sand Filtration

Modular Slow Sand Filtration (MSSF) technology offers the perks of covering operating costs while making water affordable to the community.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Field Insight

Cluster Management in Ghana

Safe Water Network analyzes two case studies in Atebubu and Oyibi, Ghana to comprehend the pros and cons of operating water systems in geographic clusters under centralized management.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Sector Review

Ghana Sector Review (2013)

This study focused on how market-based approaches (both commercial and hybrid solutions) can provide the rural and small-town poor in Ghana with safe drinking water.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Sector Review

Ghana Sector Review (2012)

Safe Water Network’s goal was to determine how effective locally-owned, decentralized safe water systems could provide communities in Ghana with safe drinking water on a sustainable and economically self-sufficient basis.
