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Knowledge Hub

Field and market insights: the case for decentralized, community-based water systems.

Sector Engagement | | Event

Waterhealth India Presents Consumer Convenience - Distribution of Water

Madhu Krishnamoorthy from WaterHealth India, an SWE Alliance member, talked about consumer convenience in the distribution of water.

Sector Engagement | | Event

Janajal Presents Water on Wheels

In the first session of Safe Water Network India's Clean Water Talks "Paani pe Charcha,” Dr. Parag Agarwal from JanaJal, an SWE Alliance member, discusses their innovative Water on Wheels (WOW) technology solution.

| | Event

The Evolved Solution: How Field Experimentation Can Enhance Tech Implementation for Better Outcomes

In this second installment of the Innovations webinar series, “The Evolved Solution: How Field Experimentation Can Enhance Tech Implementation for Better Outcomes,” three water innovators discuss how they used human-centered design and field experimentation to optimize their technology solutions.

Sector Engagement | India | Assessment

Private Sector Engagement in Water Supply

India’s urban water supply services have tried Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) since the 1990s. However, PPPs have received project-specific engagement rather than it assuming a sector-wide approach. Recent trends indicate a growing interest in water PPPs, and more projects are coming under its ambit. Appropriate interventions can help the private sector play a more significant role, especially in investment and service quality improvement.

Field Implementation, Technical Assistance | India | Case Study, Assessment

Gender Toolkit

Empowering Women in Safe Water Enterprises

Sector Engagement | | Event

Women & Smart Water Management in India

“Women & Smart Water Management in India” brought together a cross-section of leading women professionals representing the different parts of the value chain and sharing their knowledge and experience.

Field Implementation, Sector Engagement | Ghana | Spotlight Report

Loan Financing

Safe Water Network has tested various loan options and found that blended finance has the potential to increase repayment and to decrease overall financial burdens.

Field Implementation | India | Policy Recommendation, Assessment

Private Sector Engagement in Water Supply

Private Sector Participation for investment & service quality improvement.
