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Knowledge Hub

Field and market insights: the case for decentralized, community-based water systems.

Sector Engagement | Global |

Spare Parts Supply Chain Study for Piped Water Systems

This report, developed in partnership with Safe Water Network and UNICEF, seeks to strengthen the operational sustainability of water systems by examining the supply chain of spare parts.

Sector Engagement | Ghana | Spotlight Report

Ghana Water Enterprise Trust | Structuring for Growth and Sustainability

This report describes our continued work to develop a Ghana Water Enterprise Trust (the “Trust”) to address the need for long term sustainability and scale of small water enterprises in Ghana.

Field Implementation | Ghana | Field Insight

Improving Station Viability with Solar

During Ghana’s 2017 energy crisis, solar power offered a financially viable solution to enhance affordability and reach more consumers.

Sector Engagement | | Policy Recommendation

Har Ghar Jal by 2030

This report is a mid-term assessment of the Strategic Plan 2011-2022 for rural drinking water, which helps operationalize the NRDWP by setting out goals, objectives and strategic initiatives for the sector.

Field Implementation | India | Sector Review

India Urban Sector Review (2016)

This assessment of drinking water provision to the urban poor in the four cities of Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad, New Delhi, and Mumbai has been conducted as a part of a partnership between Safe Water Network and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), entitled Urban Small Water Enterprises under the USAID Urban Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Alliance program.

Field Implementation | India | Sector Review

Hyderabad City Report (2016)

The Hyderabad City Assessment aims to form a strong base for better water delivery, governance, and decision making for the urban poor in order to improve their health and lives.

Field Implementation | India | Sector Review

Mumbai City Report (2016)

Safe Water Network's assessment evaluates the gap in the provision of treated drinking water, and identifies the potential role of small water enterprises (SWEs) and digital tools to fill that gap.

Field Implementation | India | Sector Review

Delhi City Report (2016)

The objective of this assessment is to identify challenges and opportunities for Urban Small Water Enterprises in New Delhi to determine how they can best fill the gap to safe water access.
