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Field Implementation | India | Field Insight
September 2015

Solving for Water Security in a Micro-Watershed

By: Safe Water Network | Subhash Jain | Ravi Sewak | Christopher McGahey

Contributors: Ravi Bhoopathi

As sustainable businesses, Safe Water Stations provided communities with clean and affordable water. Our Water Resource Management Team in India launched a study to measure the hydrologic footprint of various stations using micro-sheds to ensure that all assessments adhere to environmental standards.

Expanding station operations in an environmentally responsible manner was achievable because of rigorous control and regular monitoring. Through our partnerships, our team developed a digital decision support tool that assessed vulnerabilities to aquifers and ultimately diminished threats to Safe Water Station sources.


Supporting resources:

Contributors: Ravi Bhoopathi

As sustainable businesses, Safe Water Stations provided communities with clean and affordable water. Our Water Resource Management Team in India launched a study to measure the hydrologic footprint of various stations using micro-sheds to ensure that all assessments adhere to environmental standards.

Expanding station operations in an environmentally responsible manner was achievable because of rigorous control and regular monitoring. Through our partnerships, our team developed a digital decision support tool that assessed vulnerabilities to aquifers and ultimately diminished threats to Safe Water Station sources.


Supporting resources: